Jillian Johnsrud
Writer. Speaker. Coach.How Mini-Retirements Unlock Work-Life Balance, Purposeful Living, and Financial Freedom
Hi, I’m Jillian!
It’s my mission to help people use mini-retirements to custom build a lifestyle that perfectly reflects their values, passion, and purpose.

a all About Jillian
My Money Story
Twenty-one years ago, when Adam and I were married, we had $55,000 in debt (credit card, student loans, and medical debt). We also had big dreams. We wanted to Retire Often with multiple mini-retirements. We wanted to travel the world. And we wanted to adopt.
We wanted financial freedom: never worrying about having the money to put food on the table or pay the bills again. I grew up poor, and never ever wanted to feel that way again.
In the last 21 years, we paid off all our debt, traveled to 27 counties, lived abroad for 4 years, took a dozen mini-retirements, and adopted 4 kids (plus had 2 biological kids!). We paid cash for our very first home and bought 2 rental properties that we fixed up ourselves. We have served on boards of nonprofits, mentored kids from tough situations, and volunteered in all sorts of roles.
At 32, I became financially independent. Now it’s my mission to help others build a life that perfectly lines up with their values, passion, and purpose.
Media Inquiries and Brand Sponsorship Inquiries
To send me a personal email, subscribe to my newsletter and you can hit reply to any email I send!
Get Started with a Free Course
Intentional Living Course
You can write your own rules and design a life that reflects the things that matter most to YOU! This course covers 10 simple exercises to get you started on living your one wild and precious life.
Mini Retirement Small Course
Retirement is too far away. Enjoy some of these adventures sooner. Stop pushing things out or missing seasons of your life. Enjoy some time while you are fit and healthy, your parents are young, or your kids are still at home.
Content Strategy Course
Creating a customer journey helps you see what is working well and what needs to be improved when reaching your customers. This course will help you identify where to invest your energy and build content assets to improve the effectiveness of your marketing.
1-on-1 Coaching
Interested in a Coach?
What does a mentor do? I look at your big, long-term goals and dreams. We confront the challenges that have held you back and find solutions. I examine all the details of your current situation. Then we work together to plot out a plan, breaking big goals into small actionable steps and habits.
I specialize in Financial Independence (FI) planning with career transitions, and creating or scaling service based businesses.
Media Expert
Looking for an expert on mini-retirements and sabbaticals? Jillian became financially independent at age 32 despite having a modest income and raising 6 kids. Her and her husband have taken a dozen mini-retirements.
She has used mini-retirements to travel the country in an RV, build a food forest, recover from grief, improve mental health, take college classes, pivoted careers, lost 40 pounds and bought rental properties.
Reach out for news features, to be a podcast guest or speaking engagements.
See her features in Parents.com, Forbes or video featured in Market Watch and Yahoo.
Connect via Email jillianjohnsrud@gmail.com